Lesson 1: Learn the Chords for C Major/A Minor


In this lesson, we'll learn the diatonic chords for C major and A minor. We'll start with triads and gradually move to 7th chords, offering helpful tips along the way.

Understanding chord symbols.

The uppercase Roman numerals represent major chords, lowercase numerals represent minor chords, "o" represents diminished chords, and "ø" represents half-diminished chords. The "M7" symbol is used for major 7th chords, and "m7" is used for minor 7th chords.

C major scale reference.

Here is the C major scale for reference. You can find the triads and 7th chords for the key of C major below.

Diatonic triads - C major:

  1. C Major (I) - C E G
  2. D minor (ii) - D F A
  3. E minor (iii) - E G B
  4. F Major (IV) - F A C
  5. G Major (V) - G B D
  6. A minor (vi) - A C E
  7. B diminished (vii°) - B D F

Diatonic 7th chords - C major:

  1. C Major 7 (IM7) - C E G B
  2. D minor 7 (ii7) - D F A C
  3. E minor 7 (iii7) - E G B D
  4. F Major 7 (IVM7) - F A C E
  5. G Dominant 7 (V7) - G B D F
  6. A minor 7 (vi7) - A C E G
  7. B half-diminished 7 (viiø7) - B D F A

A minor scale reference.

Here is the A minor scale for reference. You can find the triads and 7th chords for the key of A minor below.

Diatonic triads - A minor

  1. A minor (i) - A C E
  2. B diminished (ii°) - B D F
  3. C Major (III) - C E G
  4. D minor (iv) - D F A
  5. E minor (v) - E G B
  6. F Major (VI) - F A C
  7. G Major (VII) - G B D

Diatonic 7th chords - A minor:

  1. A minor 7 (i7) - A C E G
  2. B half-diminished 7 (iiø7) - B D F A
  3. C Major 7 (IIIΔ7) - C E G B
  4. D minor 7 (iv7) - D F A C
  5. E minor 7 (v7) - E G B D
  6. F Major 7 (VIM7) - F A C E
  7. G Dominant 7 (VII7) - G B D F

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